Whether you’re writing a love poem for an anniversary card, trying to describe your partner in your vows, or crafting a romantic story, this list of creative, positive romantic words will help you express your true feelings along the way.
In this list of over one thousand words, you’ll find positive romantic adjectives, romantic verbs, and romantic nouns organized by category alphabetically.
Get ready to feel inspired for that special someone.
Romantic Adjectives
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “A”
- abloom
- admirable
- admired
- adonic
- adorable
- adored
- adoring
- affectionate
- afflated
- ageless
- agile
- agreeable
- all heart
- alluring
- always there
- amative
- amazing
- amorous
- ample
- angelic
- animated
- appealing
- appetizing
- aquiver with excitement or anticipation
- ardent
- aroused
- arousing
- arresting
- assurgent
- attracted
- attracting
- attractive
- authentic
- available
- avid
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “C”
- candescent
- candid
- canoodling
- canorous
- canty
- captivating
- cared for
- careful
- caressing
- caring
- celebrious
- celebrous
- charmed
- charming
- cheeky
- cheerful
- cherished
- cherishing
- cherry
- chiseled
- choice
- chosen
- classy
- clever
- comely
- commendable
- committed
- companionable
- compassionate
- compatible
- compelling
- complaisant
- complete
- complex
- confident
- congenial
- conjugate
- connected
- considerate
- coquettish
- coruscant
- courageous
- courteous
- coy
- cozy
- crafty
- crazy about
- cream colored
- creamy
- creative
- crepuscular
- cuddlesome
- cuddly
- curious
- curvaceous
- curvy
- cute
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “D”
- dapper
- daring
- darling
- dashing
- dazzling
- dear
- dearest
- debonair
- dedicated
- delectable
- delicate
- delicious
- delightful
- delightsome
- demulcent
- dependable
- desirable
- desired
- desirous
- devoted
- dewy
- disarming
- disciplined
- distinguished
- divine
- doe eyed
- doting
- down to earth
- dramatic
- dreamy
- dulcet
- dynamic
- dynamite
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “E”
- eager
- easy going
- easy to love
- easy to be with
- ecstatic
- effervescent
- effulgent
- elated
- electric
- electrifying
- elegant
- eligible
- emerging
- enamored
- enamoring
- enchanted
- enchanting
- endeared
- endearing
- enduring
- energizing
- engaging
- enjoyable
- enlivening
- enough
- enrapturing
- enriched
- enriching
- enthralling
- enthusiastic
- enticing
- entrancing
- equal to
- equipollent to
- equipped with
- everlasting
- evocative
- exceptional
- exciting
- exhilarating
- exquisite
- extraordinary
- eye-catching
- eyesome
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “H”
- handsome
- harmonious
- haunting
- hauntingly beautiful
- heart stopping
- heartfelt
- heavenly
- heavy
- helpful
- high class
- high quality
- high spirited
- honest
- honey eyed
- honeyed
- honorable
- honored
- hot
- huggable
- hypnotic
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “I”
- ideal
- illimitable
- illustrious
- imaginative
- immeasurable
- impassioned
- impeccable
- impressive
- in their heart
- incredible
- incomparable
- indomitable
- inebriated
- inebriating
- ineffable
- infatuated
- infatuating
- infinite
- innocent
- inseparable
- inspiring
- innovative
- intelligent
- intense
- interconnected
- interesting
- interfused
- intertwined
- intimate
- intoxicating
- intriguing
- intuitive
- invigorating
- inviting
- irresistible
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “K”
- kind
- kindhearted
- kingly
- knotted
- kooky
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “M”
- mad about
- magical
- magisterial
- magnetic
- magnificent
- major league
- manly
- mannerly
- marital
- marmoreal
- masculine
- matchless
- matrimonial
- maximal
- mellifluous
- mellisonant
- memorable
- merry
- mesmerizing
- mine/my
- miraculous
- mirthful
- mischievous
- moist
- moonstruck
- most excellent
- mouthwatering
- moving
- multidimensional
- multiloquent
- muscular
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “N”
- natural
- near to their heart
- necessary
- needed
- never fading
- never failing
- nice
- nimble
- nitid
- noctilucous
- nonpareil
- nubilous
- nuts about
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “P”
pounding heart
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “Q”
- qualitative
- quality
- quintessential
- quirky
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “R”
- rad
- radiant
- rare
- ravishing
- receptive
- refreshing
- rejuvenating
- relaxing
- reliable
- relished
- relishing
- remarkable
- respectable
- respected
- restorative
- reverberant
- revitalizing
- reviviscent
- rewarding
- right on the nose
- robust
- romantic
- rosy
- rousing
- rutilant
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “S”
- sanguine
- satin
- satiny
- satisfied
- satisfying
- saturnalian
- saucy
- savory
- scented
- scintillant
- scintillated
- scintillating
- scrumptious
- sculpted
- second-to-none
- seductive
- select
- sensational
- sensitive
- sensual
- sensuous
- sentimental
- shapely
- shimmering
- shining
- shiny
- sightly
- silken
- silky
- sincere
- sinuous
- sleek
- slippery
- smashing
- smiling
- smitten
- smooth
- snugly
- soft
- solacious
- solid
- something else
- sonsy
- soothing
- sought after
- sparkling
- special
- spectacular
- spellbinding
- spicy
- spiffy
- spirited
- spiritual
- splendiferous
- splendorous
- spontaneous
- sprightly
- spunky
- statuesque
- steamy
- stellar
- sthenic
- stimulating
- stirring
- strapping
- striking
- strong
- stunning
- stylish
- suave
- sublime
- succulent
- sufficient
- suitable
- suited
- sultry
- sumptuous
- sunny
- super
- superb
- superior
- superlative
- supernatural
- supple
- supportive
- supreme
- surpassing
- svelte
- swarthy
- swaying
- sweet
- sweet-smelling
- swirling
- synergistic
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “T”
- tantalizing
- tasty
- teasing
- tempting
- tender
- terrific
- thoughtful
- thrilling
- titillating
- totally
- transcendent
- treasurable
- treasured
- tremendous
- trim
- true
- trusted
- trustworthy
- trusty
- turgid
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “U”
- unabashed
- unapologetic
- uncommon
- undulating
- unencumbered
- unfettered
- unified
- unifying
- unique
- unisonous
- united
- unleashed
- unlimited
- unparalleled
- unrivaled
- unsurpassed
- untarnished
- unusual
- up and coming
- upfront
- upcoming
- uplifting
- upright
- upstanding
- upwardly
- uxorial
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “W”
- wanted
- warm
- warm hearted
- welcome
- welcoming
- well liked
- well received
- well suited
- whimsical
- whole
- wholehearted
- wild
- willing
- without compare
- without equal
- wonderful
- wondrous
- world class
- worthy
Romantic Adjectives That Begin with “Y”
- yielding
- yonder
- youthful
- young
- yummy
Romantic Nouns
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “A”
- accept
- acknowledge
- admire
- adore
- agree with
- allure
- amaze
- appreciate
- assure
- attract
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “B”
- be devoted to
- be in love with
- be loved
- be partners in crime
- be themselves
- befriend
- beguile
- believe in
- bewitch
- blessing
- blush
- brighten
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “C”
- call
- captivate
- care
- care about
- care for
- caress
- celebrate
- charm
- cheer on
- cherish
- choose
- click with
- comfort
- communicate
- complement
- complete
- confide
- connect
- convey
- count on
- court
- crack up
- cradle
- crave
- crush on
- cuddle
- curl up with
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “D”
- dance
- daydream
- dedicate
- deify
- delight
- depend
- describe
- deserve
- desire
- devote
- dote
- dream
- dream boat
- dream come true
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “E”
- embrace
- enchant
- encourage
- enjoy
- enthrall
- entice
- entrust
- excite
- experience
- express
- extend
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “F”
- fall
- fall head over heels
- fall in love
- fancy
- fantasize
- fascinate
- feast
- feel
- fill with
- flatter
- flirt
- fool around with
- forgive
- frolic
- fulfill
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “G”
- generate
- get
- give
- glorify
- go on a date
- go out of their way
- go steady
- gratify
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “H”
- have
- help
- hold
- honor
- hug
- hypnotize
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “I”
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “J”
- jest
- join
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “K”
- keep
- kiss
- know
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “L”
- last
- laugh
- like
- listen
- live with
- long for
- love
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “M”
- marry
- meet
- mesmerize
- miss
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “N”
- name
- need
- nurture
- nuzzle
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “O”
- obsess
- offer
- open
- outstretch
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “P”
- pair
- pique interest
- play
- please
- ponder
- prize
- promise
- protect
- provide
- pull
- push
- put
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “Q”
- quell
- question
- quiver
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “R”
- reciprocate
- relate
- relish
- rely on
- respect
- revere
- reward
- romance
- run
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “S”
- safeguard
- satisfy
- savor
- seek
- share
- shield
- shower
- stick up for
- support
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “T”
- tempt
- thank
- think about
- toast
- touch
- trample
- treasure
- try
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “U”
- understand
- undo
- unite
- uplift
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “V”
- value
- venerate
- vow to
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “W”
- walk through life with
- wander
- want
- wed
- wine and dine
- woo
- worry
- worship
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “X”
- XO (as in hugging and kissing…I know, it’s a stretch)
- We need help coming up with romantic verbs starting with an X. Can you think of any? Let us know in the comments below.
Romantic Verbs That Begin with “Y”
- yawn
- yearn
- yield
Romantic Verbs
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “A”
- abidingness
- ability
- acceptance
- accord
- acknowledgement
- admiration
- admirer
- adoration
- adulation
- advantage
- affability
- affection
- affinity
- afflation
- afterglow
- agreeableness
- allegiance
- alleviation
- alliance
- allure
- ambrosia
- amiability
- amiableness
- amicability
- amicableness
- amity
- amore
- amorousness
- angel
- appeal
- appetency
- appreciation
- ardency
- ardor
- arousal
- artist
- assistance
- attachment
- attention
- attentiveness
- attraction
- aurora
- avidness
- awe
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “B”
- babe
- baby
- balloons
- beau
- beauty
- beckoning
- bees
- belonging
- benefit
- betrothed
- billions of
- birds
- birds and bees
- bliss
- blissfulness
- blitheness
- bonnet
- bonniness
- boost
- bouquet
- boyfriend
- bright side
- brightness
- buoyancy
- buttercup
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “C”
- candlelight
- candles
- candy
- captivation
- care
- caress
- celebration
- charm
- cheek
- cheer
- cheerfulness
- chemistry
- chocolate
- cloud nine
- cognizance
- comfort
- commiseration
- commitment
- communion
- companionship
- compassion
- compatibility
- condolence
- connection
- consideration
- contentedness
- contentment
- cooperation
- coquetry
- corsage
- courage
- courtship
- craft
- craving
- creativity
- crush
- cuddle
- cuddling
- culture
- cupcake
- curiosity
- curve
- cuteness
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “D”
- dalliance
- dance
- dates
- daydream
- deference
- delectation
- delight
- desire
- devotion
- drama
- drawing
- dream
- dress
- drive
- dust
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “E”
- eagerness
- ebullience
- ecstasy
- effervescence
- effulgence
- élan
- elation
- elevation
- embrace
- emotion
- empath
- empathy
- enchantment
- endearment
- energy
- engagement
- enjoyment
- entertainment
- enthrallment
- enthusiasm
- enticement
- esteem
- euphoria
- everything
- exaltation
- excitement
- exhilaration
- expression
- exuberance
- eye candy
- eyes
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “G”
- generosity
- geniality
- gentleness
- gift basket
- gifts
- girlfriend
- gladness
- glee
- glory
- glow
- goal
- god
- goddess
- good fortune
- good spirits
- goodwill
- grace
- gratification
- gratitude
- greatness
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “H”
- happiness
- harmony
- health
- heart
- heart throb
- heat
- heaven
- heights
- help
- hilarity
- hold
- homage
- home
- honey
- honor
- hotel
- house
- hugs
- humor
- hunger
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “I”
- ideal
- imagination
- impulse
- increase
- infatuation
- innocence
- innovation
- inspiration
- intellect
- intensity
- interest
- intoxication
- intrigue
- intuition
- invention
- invigoration
- invitation
- involvement
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “K”
- keenness
- kilt
- kindheartedness
- kindness
- king
- kinship
- kiss
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “M”
- magic
- magnanimity
- magnet
- marriage
- matrimony
- maturity
- merriment
- mind
- mindset
- mirth
- mood
- motivation
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “N”
- name
- nest
- nestle
- nourishment
- nurture
- nuzzle
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “O”
- olive branch
- omnipotence
- one
- oneness
- opal
- openness
- optimism
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “P”
- paradise
- paramour
- partiality
- passion
- penchant
- pep
- peppiness
- perfection
- permission
- philosophy
- play
- playfulness
- pleasantness
- pleasure
- poem
- poetry
- preciousness
- predilection
- predisposition
- preference
- preoccupation
- prince
- princess
- priority
- propensity
- pumpkin
- pursuance
- pursuit
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “Q”
- quality
- qualm
- queen
- question
- quintessence
- quirk
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “S”
- sanction
- sanity
- satiety
- satisfaction
- secrecy
- secret
- sediment
- seduction
- selection
- sensation
- senses
- sentiment
- service
- shelter
- shiatsu
- shield
- sincerity
- singing card
- snuggle
- soft spot
- solemn
- solitary
- solitude
- soul
- soulmate
- spa
- spa day
- sparkle
- sparks
- spice
- spirit
- spot
- squeeze
- stimulus
- strength
- sugar
- suitor
- sun
- sunlight
- sunshine
- support
- sweetener
- sweets
- sympathy
- synergy
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “T”
- tang
- tantalization
- temptation
- tenderheartedness
- tenderness
- tension
- thinking
- thoughtfulness
- thoughts
- thrill
- tickle
- titillation
- togetherness
- tolerance
- tongue
- treasure
- treat
- trove
- trust
- truth
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “U”
- understanding
- union
- unison
- unity
- urge
- utopia
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “W”
- wanderer
- wantonness
- warmheartedness
- warmth
- wealth
- weather
- welcome
- wellbeing
- whimsy
- wholeheartedness
- wholeness
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “Y”
- yawn
- yearning
- youth
Romantic Nouns That Begin with “Z”
- zeal
- zen
- zest
- zing
- zip
Now that you’ve found your perfect romantic adjectives, verbs, and nouns, we’d like to encourage you to put them to action and submit a real life love story or fictional romance story.
Or, read this article about why we are drawn to love stories and how to star in our own.
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