How to Say I Love You Without Using L Word Turtle Armadillo Comic

Ways to Say “I Love You” – Without Using the L Word

Things are going great in your relationship. The two of you enjoy spending time together, you get along with each other’s friends, and just thinking of them makes your whole face light up. In fact, you’re definitely falling for them, and hard. But here’s the thing… you’re not quite ready to use the L word.

Telling someone you love them is a huge milestone in any relationship. What if it’s too soon? What if they don’t say it back? What if you scare them off? It’s understandable if you want to take a little longer before taking that plunge.

Still, when your heart is ready to spill over, it’s difficult to hold the words in. Once you realize you’re in love, you want to express what you are feeling. You want them to know how much they mean to you.

Eventually you’ll be ready to tell them that you love them. Until then, there are numerous ways to let them know how you feel.

With Your Words

Did you eat?”

This is a great way to show that you are concerned with their physical well-being. It also lets them know that you pay attention to the little things about their day – like the fact that they were so busy that they forgot to stop for lunch. If they answer no, follow up with the offer to make them a quick snack.

Text me when you get there.”

This sweet sentence is a heartwarmer! With just 6 words, you are demonstrating how much you care about them and think of their safety. It’s also a good way of showing that you respect their independence – you’re fine with them going out and doing their thing; you just want to be sure that they’re safe after.

You’re beautiful inside and out.”

What a lovely thing to say to someone you love. It places equal emphasis on their physical and emotional beauty. You’re not denying the physical attraction, but you’re also letting them know that your feelings run deeper than that.

I’m so happy to have you in my life!”

Who wouldn’t want to hear that? One of the main goals in any relationship should be happiness. By letting them know they make you happy, you are letting them know that you have faith in your relationship moving forward.

I smile when I think of you.”

Wow, this one is doubly effective! First, you’re telling them, subtly, that you think of them. This makes them feel like they have your attention even when they’re not around. Then, you’re following that up by letting them know that when you do think of them, it puts a smile on your face. And who doesn’t want to be the source of happy thoughts?

You’re my best friend!”

You Are My Best Friend

Physical attraction is one thing. But to combine that with friendship takes your relationship to a much higher level. It means you’re comfortable with them, trust them, and want to spend time with them. There’s nothing so sweet as being best friends with your romantic partner.

I miss you.”

You can say this at any time; it still packs a powerful punch. Maybe working late has kept you apart all week. Maybe it was weekend obligations that made it difficult to see each other. Or maybe, you saw each other yesterday and miss them already! Whatever the case, it’s always lovely to let them know how much you enjoy having them in your life, and miss them when they’re not there.

Maybe you should grab a jacket.”

While this may not seem as romantic as some of the phrases above, it’s actually still quite tender. You’re showing how much you care about their comfort. You’re also letting them know that you always notice their quirks, like the fact that they get chilly easily.

How’s your…?”

If they’ve been talking about a physical ailment, anything from a sore throat to tired muscles, it really shows your love when you follow up. Asking someone how they’re feeling is always nice, but asking specific questions about something that’s been bothering them shows that you’ve been paying attention to your conversations.

What did your boss think of…?”

It took a certain level of trust of them to open up to you about their work life. By listening, remembering, and then asking them about it, it shows that you are worthy of that trust. It also shows that you want to participate in all aspects of their life.

Drive safe.”

This one’s a classic – you might expect to hear it just as often from your mother or best friend as you would from someone you’re dating. Still, there’s a reason people say this to those they love – it implies concern and care.

I made your favorite meal.”

Turtle Cooking Armadillo Favorite Meal Comic
Armadillo Grateful for Favorite Meal of Ants from Turtle Comic

Now this one is extra sweet! You took the time to find out what their favorite meal is, then looked up the recipe and made it for them. This one really shows a whole new level of attention. Of course, if their favorite meal is much too complicated, you could always get takeout and surprise them. It’ll be just as well received!

Let me help.”

Another one of those three-little-words that mean so much. Offering to help someone gives them your time, attention, and efforts. It also shows that you want to make their lives easier. Offering to help is especially significant because you aren’t offering to do the work for them. Helping implies working together – deepening the bond between the two of you.

With Your Actions

Write Them a Love Letter

Write a Love Letter

It’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable saying your feelings aloud. You can still let them know how you feel by writing them a love letter. It doesn’t have to contain the l-word, either. You can simply let them know how much you enjoy spending time with them, or share one of your favorite memories of the two of you. Regardless of what you write, they will read it over and over again!

Fill up Their Gas Tank

This is such a thoughtful thing to do! Making their life easier is a sure-fire way of showing your love. If you have a little bit of extra time, you can also run their car through the gas station’s car wash, or vacuum the inside. Taking care of even the most minor part of their lives – their car – shows that you are taking care of them.

Make/Buy Them a Cup of Coffee

What a great way to make sure their day is off to the perfect start! You’re saying, hey, I think of you from the very first moment of my morning. And if you get their coffee just right, it shows how much attention you pay to every little thing about them.

Do a Chore for Them

If your loved one is working late or running errands, doing a quick chore for them won’t go unnoticed. It’s thoughtful, helpful, and considerate. It doesn’t have to be anything major, but even doing something small is a generous act on your part.

Remember a Special Date

It doesn’t always have to be a huge milestone like their birthday or a holiday. Celebrate something cute and sweet like your “monthiversary” or the 3-month mark of the first time you kissed. They’ll be touched that you remembered such a small but important detail.

Share a Hobby

Maybe you’ll join them in their hobby; maybe you’ll ask them to participate in yours. Either way, reaching for common ground and shared interests is a good thing. You’re demonstrating how much you want to spend some extra time together and learn more about what interests each of you.

Give a Birthstone Gift

It’s not about the price of the present; this doesn’t have to be an expensive gift. A birthstone gift shows a thoughtfulness that goes way beyond shopping. It shows you remembered their birthdate and took the time to find out the accompanying birthstone.ppppppppppp

Buy Tickets

Whether it’s the theater, sports, or your favorite local band, buy tickets for the two of you to enjoy a special evening. It doesn’t even matter what the event is. Planning a special date to do something you both love will deepen your relationship by creating fun memories together.

Share a Book

Share a Book

You can give them a copy of your favorite book or pick a new book for the two of you to read together. The point is to exchange philosophies and ideas and find something new to discuss. Your desire to share an intellectual connection will show them how much you value their insight.

Add Candles

A candlelight dinner doesn’t have to be just for special occasions. Even an ordinary Tuesday night can feel like a special occasion if you’re with the right person. So pull out the best china, light some candles, and celebrate being with the one you love – even if you aren’t ready to say it aloud. And later when you are living together, you can use candles in your own Airbnb Date.

Fill a Jar with 50 Things You Love About Them

This is an especially fun gift to give someone! They will love your thoughtfulness and that you took the time to write out all those little notes. You don’t have to be over the top romantic. Just a little note that says you love that they make you hot chocolate on a cold night shows how much you appreciate them.

Take Them on a Picnic

This may seem like a casual date, but a spontaneous picnic is sweet and fun. It can be fancy – think candles and something yummy from your favorite bistro. Or you can go casual with light snacks and a frisbee. The only thing that matters here is that you took the time to plan something for the two of you to enjoy alone.

Bring Them Food

There are times when they’ll be so busy at work or with their personal life that it may seem like they barely have time to take care of themselves. If that’s the case, dropping by with a quick snack shows how much you care about their wellbeing. Even if they don’t have too much time, they’ll know how much they mean to you when you show up with takeout from their favorite restaurant!

With Your Time

Watch Their Favorite Shows

A solid relationship is built on compromise. But every once in a while, it’s nice to let the other person decide where they want to go or what they want to watch. Even if you aren’t crazy about their favorite show, make some popcorn and offer to watch it with them. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up loving it, too!

Pet-sit for the Weekend

If you’re not quite ready for the L-word, then you’re definitely not ready for babies! But the two of you can lavish some love on a fur-baby. Offer to pet-sit together for a friend or family member, or sign up with an online service. It’s a sweet and cuddly way to share affection and love.

Work on a DIY Project Together

I Love You Without Saying It

You don’t have to remodel your entire kitchen! Just taking on a DIY project together, even a small one, shows that you want to integrate them into your projects. Even something as simple as painting a wall builds a strong spirit of collaboration and shows you think of them as your teammate.

Make a Collage or Memory Book

Print out all those selfies you’ve taken together, and you’ll have a sweet souvenir of all your best memories. You can include photos, postcards from places you’ve been, ticket stubs, playbills… the list is endless. It shows how much you cherish the memories you’ve already made. You can even include a sweet note to let them know how much you’re looking forward to making even more memories together!

Spend Time with Them in Nature

Spent Time Relaxing in Nature

Spending quality time someplace tranquil is a peaceful way of showing your love. It can be something as simple as a walk or hike together. Or, if you’re feeling more adventurous, you can always try kayaking or horseback riding. The point is to be away from other distractions – especially cell phones. Show them you love them by concentrating on only them.

Pick Them up at the Airport

If they had to go out of town without you, let them know how much you missed them by picking them up at the airport. Don’t just wait at the pickup line – park and go inside to meet them. They’ll feel so loved when they realize you just couldn’t wait any longer to see them!

Make Them a Special Playlist

It doesn’t need to be all love songs – although a few wouldn’t hurt! Make a playlist filled with songs that mean something, like a song you sing together in the car, or the song that was playing on your first date. If they’ve been stressed out at work, put together a playlist with some chill vibes they can play on the way to the office. Music can be the language of love!

Look at the Stars Together

Armadillo Concerned About Upside Down Turtle Comic
Stargazing in Love Turtle Armadillo Comic

Stargazing can be as romantic as you make it! It can be a simple date, just going right outside the door. But if you’re feeling more creative, bring a blanket and drive to someplace away from the city lights: a field, the beach, anywhere that lets the stars shine through. If you want to really go the extra step on this one, find out their astrological constellation and point it out in the night sky.

Plan a Vacation

Vacation planning is fun! Pick a destination you’d both like to visit – preferably someplace new to both of you, so you can make fresh memories. Then go online together, finding the perfect hotel, restaurants, and activities. Not only are you showing them how much you enjoy spending time together, but by planning something that’s in the future, you’re letting them know that you view this as a long-term relationship.

With Your Texts

Couple Dating with Text Message

Send Them a Song

A YouTube link with a cute note lets them know you’re thinking of them, even when you’re both busy. Find a song by their favorite artist, or just something sweet that they’ll like. You don’t have to be overly romantic here – just sharing a song is enough to let them know they’re on your mind.

Share a Silly Picture

The couple that laughs together, stays together! Laughter and silliness are important in keeping your relationship fresh and fun. You can send them a silly selfie (making a face, maybe?), a cute story that made you laugh during the day, or even just a funny meme. It lets them know that you enjoy sharing your laughter with them.

Ask About Their Day

If you know they had an important meeting, send them a quick text asking how it went. If they were meeting their parents for lunch, ask them to pass along your greetings. The point is to pay attention to key details about their day, and then send a text showing that you remembered and that you care.

Every relationship moves at its own pace, so it’s okay to wait a little longer before using the L-word. That doesn’t mean you don’t have strong feelings. With a little effort and imagination, you can let them know how you feel even before you’re ready to actually say it.

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